A person or a world without love is like a river without water. From the beginning of life and until the end of universe, love is with human and nature. But, what is love? For me, love is knowing how to look, seeing the other side of all creatures living or nonliving, feeling their souls, understanding why we are created and mistics of life and all religions. Of course, it has a wider and more changing meaning. But, the base of love is sacred because it is a God given emotion and ,so it is inborn actually. It is not like democracy or traditions. It is not given you by society or power, government. So maybe it has no insurance but it is the gate to our inner worlds, other dimension.You may feel love for sun’s arousal, a tree’s budding, leaf’s getting yellow. You can also love your deficiencies, inabilities, because all these things mean life and are given us to learn to live with them.When thought spirutally love is a complimentary of human, but just phsical love can make you feel ill and it will take a lot of thing from your soul. Just love because it is a part of universe, it is created just like us, as a living organism. Without it we now, wouldn’t have philophies, civilisations, knowledge… It is love that make man stand against challanges of life. So it is the power to live
3 yorum:
i agree with you.love is a gift from God and it is so special and precious.
Firstly, I want to congratulate you. You have a different point of view towards love. Your definition of love is more general and literate than the classical ones.
Your style is so impressive.While reading,I discovered different aspects of love.It is a skeptical issue, in fact.However,there is no doubt that it is one of the treasures on Earth.
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