6 Ocak 2009 Salı
When you are 10 years old, you have diferent dreams. Having baby dolls, playing with friends, kissing your mum and dad, watching cartoons may be enough. But, when comes to 35, you either realized your dreams or having regrets for them.For me, although I love the purity and innocence of childhood, I don’t want to live the same things again no matter how lovely or bad they were.Life is a dilemma. You have some expectations, but it may give you different things. So, making plans isn’t enough for it.Now, I am 35. I am a worldwide known author and poet. My books are on the bestseller list. I have translated a lot of books . I am the editor of Times magazine.Also, I am a professor at Harvard University. I give lectures. I know 10 languages. I travel everywhere and give seminars. I have a hause in the countrside. I live with my mother. My brothers have childs and I am an aunt. This is a nice feeling. They all have set up their business. I have opened a kindergarten for my sister, because she loves children a lot. I haven’t married yet. Being a father to my family isn’t a simple thing to do. It required me to devote my life to them. Anyway, I am happy with their wifes and children.Anyway, i still have somebody in heart. I experinced love at a this late age.

Somewhere in the deepness of the forest, there lived a girl. She had the eyes of sky. You could easily feel the relaxing mode of sea in her face. Her looks were as mysterious as the fate.
The girl fell in love with Sun, but since she had very sensitive eyes and face, she would die if she met with him. Her love so captured her soul that she would scream for Sun, but the only that answered to her sound was the ligths of Moon.
She was in despair and decided to go to Sea to sell her eyes in exchange for a protection from lights of Sun. Sea accepted her offer and took her beautiful eyes. The girl was happy to find a way to be with Sun.
The big day came,the Sun and the girl met, but the Sun didn't give up his old tradition and burned the girl's face. The girl's eyes were no longer shining.
At night,the Moon held the girl's hand and took her to the Sea. Moon lighted the girl's beautiful eyes in the heart of Sea. That is why the sea is more enchanting in moonlight.
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